ElderHouse staff are experienced, highly trained professionals dedicated to working with older adults.
Consistency of care is delivered through high staff tenure and a 1:7 staff-to-client ratio.
Julia Schwartz-Leeper, LMSW
Executive Director
Wendy Bolton, LMSW
Director of Client Services
Mary Beth Hogan
Director of Operations and Marketing
Donna Madalon, RN
Staff Nurse
Kathy Fitzgerald
Therapeutic Activities Coordinator
Dani Abraham
Certified Nursing Assistant
Amanda Frazier
Certified Nursing Assistant
Anita Palmer
Certified Nursing Assistant
Elsie Simon
Nutrition Aide
Jane Nolan, RN
Part-Time Staff Nurse
Gary Dunn
Lead Driver
Paul Zislis
Esther Abramov
Offsite Outreach Coordinator